Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Benefits of Reading Your Akashic Records

The Benefits of Reading Your Akashic RecordsAkasha is a Sanskrit word meaning primary substance. It is the raw material of the life force. Your Records are a natural part of you, existing both within and beyond your known self. Three principles govern this Akashic realm – Judge not, fear not, and resist not – and they cooperate to ensure that the spirit of the Records remains compassionate, respectful and dignified – providing a sanctuary for its many active human agents. Thus, the Akasha is the ideal realm for self-reflection, a spiritual resource for personal growth and empowerment. All past, present, and future possibilities are contained within the Records and they are accessible through the present, as needed, to further awakening awareness. However, although everything is held within the Records, not everything is available to us – it would simply be overwhelming to us. What is available to us is what is important to us at that place and time in our human experience. Each set of Records has two main components: one is permanent and one is evolving. The permanent component carries your soul’s blueprint, this is the essential and eternal impression of your soul – the Divine ideal for you. Then there is the evolving component of your soul which corresponds to your BluePrint. This is a catalog of lifetimes lived on Earth through which you become aware of your soul identify, awakens to your innermost Self and live an aligned life expressing this truth. Countless incarnations are required to achieve this magnificent realization and manifestation – knowing the truth of our goodness in any and all circumstances followed by recognizing the same truth for all others. The Records are available to us Human Beings so that we can cultivate our awareness of infinite light in any and all conditions. They are not there to provide quick information for manage our affairs or for skillfully avoiding the essential lessons and growth experiences of life. What is always available is precisely whatever we need to take the next appropriate step on our personal journey. And this is when it gets hard. I have read the Records for many and delivered the messages of the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. I myself have found it hard sometimes to take their advice, to stay on path. Others often simply do not. For the good of your Soul, for the good of path, I say, you must. As the Buddha said “if I had known there was a path, I would have been afraid to not stay on it.” This is staying in alignment. This is going through, not around. And, if you don’t stay on path and learn hard lessons this time around, you will simply have to do it next time. If not now, when? The primary concerns of the records are: Who am I? Who am I becoming? Your intuition is held within the Records and will develop at its own rate without undue pressure. This is a space existing both within and beyond your personal self where you can safely examine your motives, actions and consequences within the benevolent light of your soul, which gently guides you to align with the Divine ideal for who you are so that you can act harmoniously with that ideal. There was a time when the Records were not available to everyone – only those of the cloth who know certain rituals and even states of consciousness they had to enter into to gain access. Humanity is growing into this expanded awareness one individual soul at a time. We are now sufficiently developed to enter into heightened states of awareness and attain greater altitudes of consciousness, while at the same time acting as contributing citizens of the world. Eventually we will be able to accommodate this magnificent vibration and maintain balance. Brilliant but imbalance light is not helpful for anyone.
Julie Calvey

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